Welcome to pyPACE

pyPACE is a python wrapper for the OpenPACE library. It’s implemented using SWIG and therefore its’s easily portable to lots of different languages.

In order to use pyPACE you need to:

  • Download and build OpenPACE
  • Build pyPACE (needs to be linked against OpenPACE)
  • Install pyPACE using distutils

Downloading pyPACE

You can download the current version (0.2) here.

If you want to retrieve the latest development version of pyPACE you can check out the svn repository:

svn co https://pypace.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pypace/trunk pypace

Building pyPACE


In order to build pyPACE you need to install the following packages:

  • autoconf
  • libtool
  • gcc
  • python-dev
  • swig


Once all the dependencies are installed, configuring and compiling pypace is easy:

autoreconf -vsi
./configure OPENSSL_LIBS="-L/path/to/openpace/libs -lcrypto" OPENSSL_CFLAGS"-I/path/to/openpace/includes"
make install

Running pyPACE

In order to run programs that use pyPACE you have to set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point to the OpenPACE library. One way to do this is:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/path/to/openpace/libs

In order to test your installation you can use the test.py script included in pyPACE. Simply run the following command:

python src/python/test.py


JPace is an (experimental) alternative to pyPACE for those who prefer to use Java instead of python. In order to build JPace you need to pass the --enable-java parameter to configure. You also need to set the JAVAC environment variable to your preferred java compiler.